My habit of venturing into the woods on long hikes has been disrupted this year by what has turned into chronic back issues. I'm hopeful I'm on the mend now, between chiropractors, orthopedic specialists and physical therapists, but it's still ongoing and severely affecting my outdoor activities. I still read through my hiking guide and planning my hikes, putting next year in front of me. I don't plan to stay down.
I have been taking walks, albeit short ones, in the wooded area at my home, and I've added images from the past couple of weeks. Nature has healing power, and it lifts my spirit to walk among the trees and smell the natural scents of the woods. The sounds draw me into its world. Funny how things of our world look so out of place in the woods, like the image below of a busted balloon and its string. It drifted along from a birthday party and crash landed, nestled between trees and surrounded by leaves and pine straw. But take a walk along the sidewalk of a shopping strip and a sprig of grass shooting upward through the sidewalk looks out of place, and the thought is to spray it with weedkiller. Before it takes over.
Nothing like the body holding down a person's spirit. I can't wait to get back out on the trails.
The images below are not spectacular, or taken at the perfect time of day. I didn't photograph any deer or other wildlife on these days. It captures something that's mundane to some, but engaging to others.
Stood out like a sore thumb |
Like a birdbath for bugs |
Treehouse in the distance |
Deer activity |
A lovely path |